Thursday, November 02, 2006


Princess in Love
Princess in Love is a great book!!! I loved reading it because it had real "girls stuff" in it. The character in the book is not similar to me or anyone I know. The book is about a girl who is a princess, who at least was a princess that did not like being one. All she wanted was peace and quiet. She had a boyfriend, but she liked another boy, but this isn’t how the fairytale was supposed to go. In the book she didn’t know what to do. I never knew that princes weren’t suppose to have real boyfriends that aren’t rich, and etc. I would love to read more books by Meg Cabot. I think she is a really good artist that expresses really well. I think that the author is not trying to make you believe what is happening in the book. I think that she wants us to imagine our own things.


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